
You can find - among other topics - lots of interesting publications concerning package inserts and readability user tests on this page.

Design Science with a Focus on User-Centred Evaluation of Written Information

from the book: Communicating about Risks and Safe Use of Medicines - Real Life and Applied Research (editor: Priya Bahri), 2020, 12:333-384

Fuchs J

Should package inserts be coloured in the future?

PharmInd, 2018, 80(10):1428-1432

Fuchs J, Goetze EA, Voigt C

Typographic changes in package leaflets of the European Union based on the example of German versions between 2005 and 2015

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 2017, 51(4):431–438

Fuchs J, Kraft S, Vettermann A, Reiche M

Landscape versus portrait format in package leaflets

PharmInd, 2016, 78(8):1178-1184

Fuchs J, Goetze EA, Voigt C

Implementation of the European QRD Template in Package Leaflets of Centralized Approved Medicines

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 2016, 50(1):106-114
Wolf A, Fuchs J, Schweim G

How best to assess paper quality for package leaflets – weight or opacity?

PharmInd, 2015, 77(9):1380-1383

Fuchs J, Kutscha M

An analysis and evaluation of the development of the QRD human product information template used in package leaflets

Dissertation, 2015

Wolf A

Handling the ongoing volume of text increase in package leaflets

Original German title: Handling des steten Textzuwachses in Packungsbeilagen

PharmInd, 2015, 77(10):1438-1445

Fuchs J, Kutscha, M

Readability of the European QRD template - The European QRD template version 8 in comparison to its predecessor and a shorter model template

PharmInd, 2014, 76(8):1312-1322

Wolf A et al.

QRD template: Harmonisaton of product information texts

Original German title: QRD-Template: Harmonisierung von Produktinformationstexten

Regulatory Affairs Newsletter - FORUM Institut, February 2013

Fuchs J

Patient friendly package inserts under economic and regulatory considerations

Original German title: Patientenfreundliche Packungsbeilagen unter ökonomischen und regulatorischen Gesichtspunkten

Regulatory Affairs Newsletter - FORUM Institut, August 2013

Fuchs J

The influence of the European Union's QRD template on the use of package inserts compared with a shorter model template

PharmInd, 2012, 74(1):126-136

Fuchs J et al.

QRD Template texts intended for package inserts - Development from the first QRD template up to the new draft of July 2012

PharmInd, 2012, 74(9):1540-1549

Wolf A et al.

Update of the QRD template and resultant changes in package inserts and summary of product characteristics

Original German title: Update des QRD-Templates und daraus resultierende Änderungen in Packungsbeilagen und Fachinformationen

PharmInd, 2011, 73(4):670-678

Fuchs J et al.

Counterfeit medicines and the pseudo-safety

Original German title: Arzneimittelfälschungen und Scheinsicherheit

LAKT information, 2011, (1): 19


Which vaccination makes sense?

Original German title: Welche Impfung ist sinnvoll?

Pharmakotherapeutischer Arbeitskreis Jena, 2011, (10):39-41

Fuchs J

The way forward in package insert user tests from a CRO's perspective

Drug Information Journal, 2010, 44(2):119-129

Fuchs J

Excessive medical information increase in package inserts

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2010, 48(12):781-790
Fuchs J et al.

New font size requirements in package inserts of medicines

PharmInd, 2010, 72(12):2032-2036

Fuchs J et al.

Ambivalent dosage instructions for children

PharmInd, 2010, 72(4):602-606

Fuchs J et al.

Inadequate vaccination status of medical and pharmaceutical students

Original German title: Unzureichender Impfstatus von Medizin- und Pharmaziestudenten

Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung online, 2010

Fuchs J et al.

The package insert: requirements of the liability law

Original German title: Die Packungsbeilage: Anforderungen des Haftungsrechts

PharmInd, 2010, 72(7):1189-1196

Hertzsch C et al.

Possibilities and limitations of package inserts designed to be patient friendly with regard to content, formal design and volume of text

Original German title: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer patientenfreundlicheren Gestaltung von Packungsbeilagen im Hinblick auf Inhalte, formale Gestaltung und Textumfang

Dissertation, 2010

Hertzsch C

The amount of liquid patients use to take tablets or capsules

Pharmacy Practice, 2009, 7(3):170-174

Fuchs J

Prophylaxis through vaccination: Consultation in the pharmacy

Original German title: Impfprophylaxe: Beratung in der Apotheke

Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 2009, 149(46):52-55

Fuchs J

Involve package inserts in the consultation

Original German title: Packungsbeilagen in die Beratung einbeziehen

Diabetes-Forum, 2009, (11):30-33

Fuchs J

Vaccination advice at pharmacies in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Original German title: Brandenburg/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Impfberatung in Apotheken

Pharmazeutische Zeitung , 2009, 154(50):70-75

Fuchs J

Patient friendly information about medicines in package inserts

Original German title: Patientengerechte Arzneimittelinformation in Packungsbeilagen

PharmInd, 2009, 71(7):1094-1100

Fuchs J, Götze EA

Influence of font sizes on the readability and comprehensibility of package inserts

PharmInd, 2008, 70(5):584-592

Fuchs J et al.

The major vaccination advice project in Thuringian pharmacies

Original German title: Die große Impfberatung in Thüringens Apotheken

Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 2008, 153(35):58-63

Fuchs J

How precisely can tablets be divided?

Original German title: Wie genau lassen sich Tabletten teilen?

Arzneimittel-Therapie-Kritik & Medizin und Umwelt, 2008, 48(1):147-159

Fuchs J et al.

Inappropriate dosage instructions in package inserts

Patient Education and Counseling, 2007, 67:157-168
Fuchs J, Hippius M

Is splitting tablets an appropriate method to save medical costs?

German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2007

Fuchs J

Importance of package insert information in the European Union - medicinal and pharmaceutical experts questioning results

PharmInd, 2007, 69(2):165-172

Fuchs J et al.

Can package inserts be optimised?

Original German title: Sind Packungsbeilagen optimierbar?

Patienten Rechte, 2007, 6(4):81-89

Fuchs J, Hippius M

Analysis of German package inserts

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2006, 44(1):8-13

Fuchs J et al.

La provisión de consejo farmacéutico mejora el estado de vacunación de los pacientes

Original English title: The provision of pharmaceutical advice improves patient vaccination status

Pharmacy Practice, 2006, 4(4):163-167

Fuchs J

Package inserts and their influence on drug safety and therapy success

German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, Oktober 2006

Fuchs J

Package inserts - The evil in practice?

Original German title: Packungsbeilagen - Das Übel in der Praxis?

AVP, 2006, 33(4):90-91

Fuchs J

Patient information from the IQWIG

Original German title: Patienteninformationen vom IQWIG

Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 2006, 146(29):37-40

Fuchs J

How should a good package insert look like?

Original German title: Wie muß ein guter Beipackzettel aussehen?

Diabetes-Journal, 2006, (9):40-43

Fuchs J

Package inserts - Text must be shorter

Original German title: Packungsbeilagen - Text muss kürzer werden

Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 2006, 151(42):16-21

Fuchs J, Schweim HG


Beating flu, pneumococci etc. Which vaccinations do I need as a diabetic?

Original German title: Gegen Grippe, Pneumokokken etc.: Welche Impfungen brauche ich als Diabetiker?

Diabetes-Journal, 2006, (11):64-68

Fuchs J

The provision of pharmaceutical advice improves patient vaccination status

Pharmacy Practice, 2006, 4(4):163-167

Fuchs J

A survey of package inserts use by patients

Hospital Pharmacy Europe, 2005, 21(4):29-31

Fuchs J et al.

Package inserts as medium to convey targeted information and directions for use to patients: Developing and testing a tool to rate and optimise pharmaceutical product package inserts

Dissertation, 2015

Fuchs J

Vaccination advice in the pharmacy

Original German title: Impfberatung in der Apotheke

Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 2005, 145(11):57-60

Fuchs J


Package inserts and their comprehensibility for patients

13th international social pharmacy workshop, Malta, 2004

Fuchs J et al.

Information in package inserts is frequently incomprehensible for patients

33 European symposium on clinical pharmacy, Prague, 2004

Fuchs J et al.

Package inserts of medicines: Can the patient clearly comprehend all contained information?

Original German title: Packungsbeilagen von Arzneimitteln: Kann der Patient alle enthaltenen Informationen eindeutig verstehen?

Patienten Rechte, 2004, (3):79-85

Fuchs J et al.

Optimisation of package inserts to improve information and compliance

Original German title: Die Optimierung der Packungsbeilagen zur Förderung der Information und Compliance

Journal of Public Health, 2004, (12):17

Fuchs J et al.


Design of package inserts for medicines

Original German title: Gestaltung von Packungsbeilagen für Arzneimittel

PharmInd, 2003, 65(4):302-306

Fuchs J et al.

Package inserts for medicines - patients' requirements versus the reality

Original German title: Die Packungsbeilage von Arzneimitteln - Patientenwünsche und Realität

Verlag Hans Haber, 2003

Fuchs J et al.


Many package inserts have shortcomings

Original German title: Viele Packungsbeilagen weisen Mängel auf

Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 2003, 148(50):45-48

Fuchs J et al.

How patients want their package insert

Original German title: So wünschen sich Patienten ihre Packungsbeilage

Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 2002, 147(18):26-31

Fuchs J et al.

Results of a survey of patients on package inserts for medicines

Original German title: Ergebnisse einer Patientenbefragung zur Packungsbeilage von Arzneimitteln

Workshop "Beim Apotheker ist der Patient in guten Händen“, Munich, 2002

Fuchs J et al.

Last update: 10.09.2024

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