
Layout and design for any kind of medical information

As well as text, the layout and design of package inserts, outer packaging, labels and any other information materials about medicines are of crucial importance.

We create your mock-ups in accordance with your company's layout and design specifications into consideration, for:

  • package inserts
  • outer packaging, such as cartons
  • inner packaging, such as labels, blister, sachets
  • brochures, patient alert cards
  • any further medical information 

Our service includes the development of an attractive, easily legible design and layout, as well as the preparation of figures, photographs and illustrations. Click on the following link to see an example of our text development and design: 3in1 Outsert for the company Bähren Druck.

Our portfolio includes all kinds of illustrations, whether vector or raster graphics. They visualise complex instructions. Here you can find an example of a black-white and a coloured vector graphic: